ShopGUI+ [1.7-1.15]

MC Plugin ShopGUI+ [1.7-1.15] 1.67.3

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Minecraft plugin

ShopGUI+ is an advanced high-quality GUI shop perfect for every server. It allows players to easily buy/sell items, enchantments, permissions and commands.

Support is given to buyers only.
You can get support via conversation only. No help in reviews/comments section.
Please get familiar with FAQ in the bottom of this page first.




Configuration tutorial by @Hagenite

Review by @Sean0402

Review & configuration tutorial by @Copenhagen



  • Complete, premade shops with lots of items
  • The best anti-dupe protection, even better than on some popular servers
  • Allows players to sell, sell all and buy items using convenient GUI
  • Sell multiple enchantments, permissions and commands to players
  • Sell preset mob spawners to players (requires SilkSpawners/PickUpSpawners/EpicSpawners)
  • Supports various economies (Vault, exp, MySQL Tokens, PlayerPoints, TokenManager)
  • Separate log file to log shop transactions
  • Supports item-based economy (requires Gringotts and Vault)
  • Supports custom names, lores, enchantments, potions and fireworks
  • Allows you to set different prices for each player using item-based, shop-based and global price modifiers
  • Advanced amount selection GUI for buying or selling items
  • Multiple shops with per-shop permission support
  • Multiple page support in each shop GUI with buttons
  • Convenient "Go back" button to easily return to main menu
  • Customizable size of each shop GUI
  • Item placeholders to buy/sell items different from the displayed ones
  • Per-item permissions inside shops
  • 100% customizable messages, shops and items
  • Reload command to update shops without restarting the server
  • Efficient & high-quality code

Shop command aliases: /shop /shopgui /guishop
  • /shop - open the main shop menu (
  • /shop reload - reload the configuration (shopguiplus.reload)
  • /shop [shop name] - directly open the specified shop (
  • /shop [player] [shop name] - open the specified shop (or main one if none specificed) for specified player (shopguiplus.others)
  • /sell hand [quantity] - sell the item held in your hand (shopguiplus.sell.hand)
  • /sell handall - sells all items inventory which are the same as the one being held in your hand (shopguiplus.sell.hand.all)
  • /sell all - sells all items from your inventory (shopguiplus.sell.all)
Price modifier commands
  • /shop addmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> <value> [buy|sell] ( - add item-specific price modifier
  • /shop addmodifier shop <player> <shop> <value> [buy|sell] ( - add shop-specific price modifier
  • /shop addmodifier global <player> <value> [buy|sell] ( - add global price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> [buy|sell] ( - reset player's item-specific price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier shop <player> <shop> [buy|sell] ( - reset player's shop-specific price modifier
  • /shop resetmodifier global <player> <value> [buy|sell] ( - reset player's global price modifier
  • /shop checkmodifiers <player> ( - check player's current price modifiers
Note: Item modifiers override shop ones which override global ones.


All command permissions have been listed above. However, players need additional permissions to access each shop. You can give or revoke access to particular shops by using the shopguiplus.shops.SHOP_ID permission node where SHOP_ID is the shop id from shops.yml (for example, shopguiplus.shops.armor etc.). You can use the wildcard permission node shopguiplus.shops.* only if you are using PermissionsEx (other plugins doesn't support it). Otherwise you have to manually add permissions to access each shop.
In order to ban player from accessing particular shop just negate the corresponding permission node.

Additional permissions:
  • shopguiplus.bypassgamemode - allows to access the shop when in banned gamemode
  • shopguiplus.bypassworld - allows to access the shop when in banned world
  • shopguiplus.buymore - allows to use the "Buy more" feature (it's set given to all players by default, negate it if you don't want them to have it)
  • shopguiplus.sellmore- allows to use the "Sellmore" feature (it's set given to all players by default, negate it if you don't want them to have it)


  • Spigot 1.7.10 or newer
  • Vault 1.4.1 or newer
If you want to sell permissions you also need one of following plugins:
  • PermissionsEx: 1.22.7 or newer (recommended)
  • zPermissions: 1.3-SNAPSHOT-b7, 1.3-SNAPSHOT-b6, 1.3beta1
  • GroupManager: 2.0-Phoenix
Other permissions plugins may also work but support will be given only to these listed above.

If you want to sell preset mob spawners you also need following plugin:
  • SilkSpawners or PickUpSpawners or EpicSpawners
The plugin is incompatible with StackableItems plugin.


  1. Purchase (thanks!) and download the plugin
  2. Stop your server, put the .jar file in your server's /plugins/ directory
  3. Start the server, plugin will generate all necessary config files
  4. Fill in config.yml and shops.yml with desired settings
  5. Restart the server
  6. Done!

All configuration files are easy to edit. If any of them lacks a feature you wish to be added, please contact us.

Configuration examples (please don't copy them, the plugin will generate all necessary files):
For more detailed installation & configuration guide please refer to the Configuration tutorial.




This plugin comes with a simple API:

There are also some events available:
Other useful gists:


Please contact us via PM if you want to try it out, we will provide you the test server's IP.
First release
Last update
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